

(218) 365-6815

Dear Stu and Jeannie, This morning in 45 degree sunshine, I caught myself thinking about last week sliding along on Basswood Lake in the middle of the wilderness, chuckling at Ashley trying to figure it out, impressed with Zoe's heart, Flops calm, Panda's strength. Wow was that only seven dog years ago? The stars were so clear, the ice snapping through the night, how wild it felt. So needless to say Bob and I had a wonderful time!!!! I found out a lot about us in this mini-adventure. I reassured myself that that cold weather is ok, that Bob really prefers the dogs to snowmobiles, that I remember how to handle a sled and that time can stand still, as he and I relieve our memories now. Thank you for all you do. That bob and I could share this togather is such a gift. I hope we can visit you again and that a daughter and a nephew can join us.

Have a safe new year,
Laura Rotegard